
В Калифорнии мощная волна смыла туристов. Видео

Сильный поток воды накрыл их с головой.

Неожиданно накатившая огромная волна смыла туристов, которые гуляли по берегу, и затопила парковку. Инцидент случайно сняли на видео, передает Хроника.инфо со ссылкой на Корреспондент.

Несколько людей находились на пляже Мунстоун на западном побережье штата Калифорния в США. Вдруг огромный поток воды сбил их с ног и накрыл с головой.

Потом волна добралась и до автомобилей, припаркованных рядом с пляжем.

О пострадавших в результате случившегося не сообщается.

Читайте также: Момент попадания ракеты в самолет МАУ. Видео

Очевидица разместила видео с происшествием в Facebook. Ролик просмотрели уже почти 900 тысяч раз, прокомментировали 2,6 тысяч пользователей.

What sneaker waves can do. This is not an CRITIQUE of others should have done. No personal judgments needed. I watched many swells come through with a lull before something comes up. I clipped just this section to illustrate the power of the water and was glad everyone was okay. Any one of us could be there on that bank near the parking lot checking out the high tide. Any one of us can be walking along a beach on a nice sunny day and a surge comes up and pulls a dog, a friend, a family member unexpectedly. Awareness and understanding will help. was a very high tide, aka King Tide, yesterday. Jan. 11, 2020. Cold and exhilarating. An approximate forecast of 14 feet, 16 seconds. High tide was at 7.97 feet at 11:16 am. John and I were checking out the King Tides along Trinidad down to Arcata. The strength of the surge can be seen on this video I took while checking out Moonstone Beach. There is a perceived sense of being safe and there were plenty of times when the waves came up, then went back as expected. But waves can double up with a strong surge coming to shore which happened yesterday and knocked some people not even on the sandy part of the beach off their feet with water coming up to the parking area. Everyone was okay and a lot more alert.

Gepostet von Marcella Ogata-Day am Sonntag, 12. Januar 2020

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